While it’s not always mandatory, it’s always highly recommended. But why? I’ve had the treatment before, I know what I need, so what’s the purpose?
We understand you are keen to get started and we love your enthusiasm. But a consultation, even just 30 minutes, is arguably one of the most important steps as it helps us to understand your unique requirements, expectations and outcomes.
It also gives you an opportunity to meet us in person and make sure you feel comfortable with us.
Let’s take Laser Hair Removal for example…
It may seem trivial, and although you may have had treatments in the past, we have no idea how your skin reacted/responded to those treatments, the results you got (if any), what settings were used, the qualifications of the person treating you, medications that may cause photosensitivity – absolutely nothing.
We could just jump straight in and start performing treatments, but the ONLY way to ensure you don’t get burnt by the laser is to use settings (power levels) so low that it can’t possibly have any effect – so you’ll get zero results. This means your first, and possibly, your second and third treatments will be mostly useless – which is a complete waste of time and money.
The settings we use on you will be vastly different to someone else – especially if you have darker skin (e.g. Fitzpatrick type 4, 5 or 6) – so we can’t use the same settings applied to the person before you.
During a consultation, we can remove most/all this guess work. We ask questions related to previous treatments, basic medical history, allergies, perform test patches, discuss current product usage and lifestyle factors, plus more. All of this tells a story, and that in turn allows us to ensure the treatment you’re receiving and the products we’re applying are the most suitable for you.
This translates into faster, better, more predictable results and outcomes and hopefully a more enjoyable, pleasant and worthwhile experience.
While some treatments don’t require a consultation, and we are still happy to perform them in most cases, the trade-off is that the results you get may not be as good.
For example – you can still receive a TCA Peel, but it will likely be a lower percentage. You can still have skin needling done, but the treatment won’t be as aggressive. We certainly won’t be doing combination treatments on you (e.g. TCA Peels combined with skin needling).
So for best results, and for a safer, more effective treatment – a consultation is always highly recommended.