Skin Needling

Micro-needling, Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) or simply Skin Needling is an incredible treatment that delivers amazing results.

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Skin Needling is an incredible treatment that help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, acne and acne scarring, pigmentation and more. It is also a great option for general skin maintenance and improving overall skin tone and complexation.

We utilise a class IIB medical microneedling device to help ensure proven, reliable, and consistent results.

But the device alone is only one small piece of the treatment puzzle. Your practitioners knowledge of the skin, how to use the device to target specific concerns, the depth at which we are needling and much more all come into play.

Skin Needling devices (just like Laser devices) are completely unregulated and require no formal qualifications of any sort to use so it’s important you choose your practitioner carefully to ensure the best outcomes.

Skin Needling Benefits

Skin Needling is a great option for reducing fine-lines and wrinkles, reducing certain types of scaring (especially post acne), minimising the visible signs of pigmentation and improving overall skin tone and texture.

Reduce Scaring

Red and brown blemishes as well as pitted scarring from acne can be reduced and eliminated.

Fine Lines & Wrinkles

Can effectively reduce and eliminate fine lines and wrinkles providing a more youthful look.

Whole Body Treatment

Skin Needling can be performed on most areas of the body including the chest, back, arms, neck and shoulders.

Reduce Pigmentation

Fades pigmentation such as sunspots/liver spots, freckles, melasma and other superficial discoloration.

Reduce Pore Size

Can help to reduce pore size making them less visible, reducing the possibility of clogged pores.

Improves Skin Texture

Overall texture and complexion of the skin will be improved.

Skin Needling Treatments

There are multiple Skin Needling options available, and for good candidates, Skin Needling can also be combined with Laser Genesis and TCA Peels for the ultimate in skin rejuvenation and remodelling.

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Skin Needling – Full Face

$249 (60~ mins)

Skin Needling – Full Face + Neck

$279 (70~ mins)

Skin Needling – Full Face, Neck + Décolletage

$319 (80~ mins)

Add-On: Laser Genesis

from $149 (20~ mins)

Add-On: Hands

$39 (15~ mins)

Preparing for Skin Needling

Preparation and post treatment care forms a crucial part in how well your skin will respond to Skin Needling, how quickly you recover, and the results you’ll ultimately achieve.

Providing your skin is in good health and not compromised (eg. no active acne, sunburn etc) you can generally receive skin needling without any preparation.

However, to ensure the best results possible, you should always consider booking a consultation to ensure the treatment is safe and suitable for you.

For those that wish to do it properly and achieve the best results possible, preparation is key and generally consists of 1-3 home care products specific to you – applied daily for approximately 2~ weeks prior to treatment.

These home care products will also help to support your skin post treatment ensuring the best possible results, not to mention a quick and comfortable recovery.

You must not apply any form of topical anesthetic or numbing cream; and you must attend your appointment free from makeup and tanning solutions.

What to expect during Skin Needling

You should expect a small amount of discomfort but it’s not nearly as bad as what you might expect. It’s generally well within most pain tolerances.

Each treatment takes approximately 60-90 minutes from start to finish.

You’ll be guided into the treatment room where a quick chat will take place with the clinician to ensure suitability and safety. All going well, the clinician will leave the room briefly (if desired) while you get comfortable and ready for treatment.

The treatment begins with a cleanse, and the clinician will also perform a quick skin sensitivity test.

Skin Needling will be performed over the desired area taking into the account your specific concerns – ensuring we are targeting those in the process.

The treatment finishes with LED to aid in the healing process, and a cooling mask to help dissipate any heat. Sunscreen will also be applied.

What to expect after Skin Needling

The area treatment will appear quite red and feel rather warm. A mild sunburn is a great way to describe both the look and feel post treatment.

While it’s possible to continue on with your day as normal in most cases, you should try to avoid any direct sunlight (crucial) and activities such as swimming pools, saunas and vigorous exercise for at least 48-72 hours post treatment.

Apply necessary home care as prescribed. Avoid any and all fragrances and essential oils on the treated area for at least 1-2 weeks post treatment.

You can expect mild-moderate shedding of the skin for up to 7-14 days post treatment – but this is not always the case. The skin may feel tight and dry so it’s important to keep a basic, fragrance free moisturiser close by and use it whenever necessary.

Pre and post care will generally determine how much skin shedding occurs and the overall recovery time required. The better your home care, the better your recovery!

Treatments are cumulative – each successive treatment builds on the last. For best results, you’ll require an initial course of treatments varying from 3-6~ depending on your concerns. From there, results can be easily maintained with far less frequent treatments and good home care.

Post Care Advice & Recommendations

You should follow this advice at all times – including any additional advice and recommendations given to you on the day of your treatment!

You must avoid direct sunlight at all times for at least 3 days post treatment.

The application of sunscreen with an SPF rating of 30+ or higher is essential.

You can read and review all pre and post treatment advice here:

Not sure where to start?

You should book a Consultation!

It helps us to understand the unique profile and aspects of your skin, your presenting concerns, and your expectations and goals.

It helps you to understand what's involved in the treatment process - such as any associated down time and how to better care for your skin to prolong and maintain results.

We can provide you with safe and suitable options to ensure the best results and successful treatment outcomes.

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Skin Needling FAQs, Advice & Recommendations

Although Skin Needling is suitable for most people, there are many contraindications we need to consider and may need to overcome prior to the treatment being performed.

It is strongly recommend that you book a skin consultation prior to booking Skin Needling treatments so that we can ensure it’s safe and suitable for you and the best outcomes possible are achieved.

If you’d prefer not to have a consultation, then the decision to proceed with the treatment or not will be made by the clinician on the day of your appointment. If they deem it unsafe and/unsuitable for you, a suitable alternative will be provided. No refunds will be granted.


Without adequate preparation or a consultation, there is a greater risk of delayed healing, lack of results and quite simply a waste of your time and money.

In many cases, we can perform the treatment without a consult or pre/post care however, the results you get could be undesirable (a waste of time and money).

A consultation combined with prescribed pre and post care not only helps to reduce and eliminate health and safety risks, but it also puts you in a position to achieve the best possible results.

We have a duty of care to fulfil so if we deem the treatment unsafe/unsuitable for you, it will not be performed on you. This decision it at the discretion of the clinician on the day.

Absolutely not!

Going deep will not only cause additional, unnecessary pain, but it could be completely missing the target cells we need to hit in order to achieve the results you desire.

It’s best to avoid the ‘cowboys’ who suggest otherwise. You’ll be subjected to extra pain, higher risk of infection and other side-effects, for little to no proven benefit.

No… and generally speaking, there shouldn’t be!

While a small amount of blood may be present, it’s nothing like what you may have seen on social media. This is over-exaggerated in order to get a good selfie. But hey, that’s social media for you.

Excessive blood in no way correlates to a good or meaningful end result.

Whilst everyone’s tolerance for pain is different, generally it doesn’t hurt.

This is not what you might imagine when you read about needles piercing the skin surface at a high speed. But it all depends on what we are targeting – and more importantly, the clinicians skill, precision and technique. Some areas, such as across the forehead may be slightly more painful then across the checks.

Most clients experience around a 5-6 out of 10 depending on the area. Some clients almost fall asleep – and probably would if it weren’t for the constant buzzing of the needling device itself.

The pain felt can also greatly depend on how well you’ve prepared your skin – including homecare and previous in-clinic treatments. Again, another great reason to support your skin both pre and post treatment with prescribed home care.

Generally, anywhere from 3-6 treatments will get you great results – but that’s a rough guide only. It will vary from one client to another depending on the skin condition and concern being treated as well as how compliant you are with pre and post care.

Factors such as preparation time and your consistency with pre and post care and follow up treatments will all contribute to the end result.

Some clients can start to see and feel results after a few weeks. The treatment is cumulative – so each one builds on the success of the previous one.

Pre and post care is vital to the end result.

One of the most exciting things about skin needling is that your results will continue to improve over the months that follow your treatment as new collagen and elastin settles, strengthens and rejuvenates your skin from within.

No, topical anaesthetic or numbing cream is not used and we strongly advise against it.

Not only can anaesthetic counteract the effectiveness of the treatment (which would be a huge waste of time and money), but it can have some serious side effects. Anaesthetic toxicity is one, and potential for allergic reactions is perhaps a greater concern.

While the chance of allergic reactions are low, the risks outweigh the rewards when it comes to Skin Needling.

We can treat most areas including the face, neck, décolletage, back, shoulders, hands, stomach, legs and arms.

The quality of the device being used has an important role to play. Some cheaper devices lack precision, consistency in the speed at which needles punch down into the skin, and can sometimes drag across the skin leaving scratches.

While quality is very important, don’t fall for the marketing claims that many clinics will make – often waving around their so-called “better then everything else” device.

The quality of the device is important – not the brand. A particular brand is not going to get you better results.

The clinicians intricate knowledge of the skin, technique performing the treatment and overall skill all come into play. In fact, this is far more important than the device being used.

Skin needling devices, just like Laser devices are unregulated – so anyone, regardless of knowledge, skill or expertise can use these devices as they please.