Toothpaste is now toxic… apparently!

Toxic Chemical Skull

There is no shortage of misleading, deceptive, widely inaccurate and just ridiculous information to be found on the internet. We shouldn’t really be surprised this latest nonsense has come directly from someone within our own industry – and while there is some truth to their nonsense, the context in which it’s being used highlights the incredible lengths some people will go to in order to sell you a “clean” alternative.

According to this clinic, we are now filling our mouths with the same toxins found in rat poison and toilet cleaner. While it’s actually true we are doing just that, the context in which this information is being used highlights their incredible lack of knowledge on the subject. So, let’s clear this up.

Although it’s not specifically stated which toothpastes are being targeted, we are guessing the likes of Colgate, Oral-B and Macleans given the alternatives they recommend are all considered “clean”, “non-toxic” etc. It’s the same old nonsense, different day.

This is fear mongering at its very finest. Perhaps one of the worst cases of it we’ve seen in a long time. Making matters worse – it’s coming from someone within our own industry that should know better. It’s actually embarrassing! It really is.

First of all, let’s make something very clear:

  1. Everything can be toxic, including water. Yes, water can be toxic!
  2. The dose makes the poison.
  3. The point of exposure can affect the toxicity of a given substance.

This is toxicology 101. The fundamentals. It’s pretty basic stuff. We aren’t toxicologists and certainly don’t claim to be… but we don’t need to be, and neither do you.

Let’s take Alcohol for example. If you drink a glass or two of wine, the vast majority of people with feel little to no effect. Drink too much (a bottle or two of wine) and the effects of the alcohol start to become much greater. Drink 5 bottles and may end up with hospital in need of having your stomach pumped.

This also applies to water, believe it or not. While you’ll need to drink significantly more water than you would alcohol for it to become “toxic”, excess water consumption can also be life threatening – the medical term for it being “hyponatremia”.

In terms of exposure – we can use regular household bleach as an example here. A diluted bleach bath can be incredible for those suffering with eczema. Topically, it can have life changing effects for these people. However, if you drink just one capful, you’ll likely be in a world of regret (do not try consuming bleach). A capful may cause nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Larger amounts can cause more severe injuries, permanent damage to the gastrointestinal system, and possible death.

Everything can be toxic, the dose makes the poison, the point of exposure affects toxicity.

Toothpaste isn’t bad for you!

We have been brushing our teeth with good ol’ Colgate for many decades and there is absolutely no evidence that even remotely supports the ridiculous claims this clinic is making.

While there are ‘some’ people (a minority) that may react to certain ingredients in toothpaste (among other products), this is rare. These same people may also have underlying medical conditions that cause their bodies to react differently to otherwise perfectly safe ingredients.

This does NOT mean that toothpaste is bad for you. It does not mean that toothpaste is toxic. It simply means that your chemical makeup (your biology) for one reason or another overreacts to a specific chemical/ingredient that is otherwise proven safe, effective and perfectly fine to use as directed for the billions of other people on the planet.

It’s similar to cat allergies. For the majority of us, cats are perfect pets that pose no threat to our health or wellbeing – except for that random attack on your way to the bathroom in the middle of the night! But for others, the body simply doesn’t agree with the protein ‘Fel d 1’ which is produced largely in cat saliva. For some people, the symptoms are easily managed with antihistamines, whereas for others symptoms can be far more severe.

Essentially, those making the claim that toothpaste is ‘toxic’ and that you should switch to a ‘clean’ alternative instead are also implying that if you react to regular SPF/sunscreen (TGA approved sunscreen that’s proven safe and effective) you should try coconut oil instead.

Making these types of claims is irresponsible, stupid, delusional, far reaching hysterical nonsense. It is not educational and it helps no one.

Still not convinced?

Ostelin Containing Vitamin D3
A Vitamin D3 supplement available at Chemists.

That’s ok. We understand just how hard it is to know what’s really true and what’s not anymore? To help you understand, let’s explain in a little more detail.

Let’s take a look at a common ingredient in Rodenticides (aka. rat and mice poisons).

The brand ‘d-Con’ (one of many mind you) manufactures rat and mice baits. Would you like to take a guess at the active ingredient?

It’s ‘Cholecalciferol’ – also known as Vitamin D3.

Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) is very effective at killing rats and mice. But it’s also used in humans as a dietary supplement to treat Vitamin D deficiency and is also a type of Vitamin D that is made by the skin when exposed to sunlight.

But wait, there’s more. There’s more? Oh, hell yes there’s more!

‘Cholecalciferol’ is blended with fat, flour and sugar during manufacturing to make it more appetising to rodents.

So with that in mind, if we were to use the same logic as those claiming toothpaste is toxic (I feel stupid just for typing that) we now have to assume that Vitamin D3, fat, flour and sugar are also now toxic, right? Because, well, it’s found in rat poison.

Are you starting to see the nonsense that’s being peddled here?

In fact, there are hundreds if not thousands of ingredients found in everyday cosmetics including hair care, skin care, toothpaste, makeup etc that you’ll also find in products used to clean toilets, kill rodents, kill weeds, clean windows, paints and solvents and so on. The list is endless.

There are also known poisons/toxins such as Botox (yes, the stuff you inject in your face) that are used for both medical and cosmetic purposes. Botulinum toxin (aka. Botox) is a neurotoxic protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum – and is known to be one of the most deadliest neurotoxins on the planet. Simply smelling the stuff can kill you. But, thanks to some very clever scientists out there, a powerful and deadly neurotoxin is now capable of being used for cosmetic and medical/therapeutic applications.

Interestingly enough, the same people claiming regular toothpaste is bad for you also receive/offer anti-wrinkle injections (aka. Botox). Go figure that one out!

It really does highlight some serious issues within the industry. Clearly there are a lot of people who don’t know as much as they are claiming and use misleading and deceptive marketing to sell you their “clean”, “non-toxic” alternative products and services.